Rocket Docs

Using YAML files

Using YAML files

To use YAML files, create a new YAML file in a yamlFiles folder and it will be exposed as all{FileName}Yaml GraphQL node.

To store YAML in another folder, please change yamlFilesPath option of @rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs plugin which is configured in gatsby.config.js.

Example file

If our project has letters.yml or letters.yaml under a yamlFiles folder which looks like:

- character: a
- character: b
- character: c

Then the following three nodes would be created:

"character": "a"
"character": "b"
"character": "c"

Query GraphQL node

We can query the GraphQL nodes which is created from the YAML file as the following code:

allLettersYaml {
edges {
node {

Which would return:

"allLettersYaml": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"character": "a"
"node": {
"character": "b"
"node": {
"character": "c"

More information, please refer to gatsby-transformer-yaml plugin page.

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